What Reading Level Is a Dog's Way Home

Goodreads Choice Awards 2021
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Susan I thought the book was quite clear in saying that Bella was NOT part pit bull, and that was only an arbitrary designation attached to her by animal co…more I thought the book was quite clear in saying that Bella was NOT part pit bull, and that was only an arbitrary designation attached to her by animal control officers who were eager to get her off the street (probably for a monetary compensation from the vindictive man wanting to build his new apartment complex). Most of the characters in the book who encountered Bella commented that she did no look like a pit. The picture on the cover conveyed just that---she was a big dog, but not a pit bull or a pit bull mix.(less)
Heidi Brydon This AMAZING book is the story of a mix breed dog (part pit bull, part rottie) who gets banned out of Denver which has breed discrimination laws. The …more This AMAZING book is the story of a mix breed dog (part pit bull, part rottie) who gets banned out of Denver which has breed discrimination laws. The dog is a mix because it shows how these absurd laws require nothing more than an animal control officer with an agenda to get your dog banned. The other person who answered could not be more wrong, statistically speaking you are more likely to get bit by a dachshund than a pit bull. People who are against BDL will CHEER for this book.

But this book is not an issue book, it's a glorious work of true art and literature that will have you laughing and cheering all along the way. The book is wonderful because it is an epic tale of a two year journey of love through the Colorado wilderness, as Bella makes her way hundreds of miles back to her soul mate, Lucas. Also, it's a true love poem to cats, if like me you are also a cat lover.

It's a completely different series than A Dog's Purpose, and I especially loved that it is a female dog, and that maternal feelings and instincts were such a huge part of the story. (less)

Community Reviews

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W. Cameron
Apr 01, 2017 rated it it was amazing  · (Review from the author)
I marked this book as "read" because I did, after all, read it while I was writing it.

Of all the challenges I've set for myself as an author, writing from a dog's point of view is probably the most difficult. I am often criticized for using simple, plain descriptions, as if a dog would write something like "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." (That's from William Shakespeare. He's more famous than I am.)

So okay, A Dog'

I marked this book as "read" because I did, after all, read it while I was writing it.

Of all the challenges I've set for myself as an author, writing from a dog's point of view is probably the most difficult. I am often criticized for using simple, plain descriptions, as if a dog would write something like "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." (That's from William Shakespeare. He's more famous than I am.)

So okay, A Dog's Way Home is written from the simple, innocent, joyous and honest viewpoint of a dog. The dog's name is Bella--this is told from the perspective of a female dog, which if not unique is certainly a rarity. At any rate, due to BDL (Breed Discriminatory Legislation) Bella is labeled a pit bull and forced to leave Denver, CO.

Notice I said "labeled." That's how the statue is written--if three ACOs (Animal Control Officers) say "yep, that's a pit," then by the law it's a pit bull. In theory they could say this about a poodle, and that's that. The animals get chipped and if they're ever picked up again, the dogs are euthanized.

That's why the dog on the cover of the book is only part pit bull.

Bella is taken hundreds of miles away and doesn't understand why. She needs to be with her person. When the opportunity presents itself, she escapes and starts heading home, a multi-year journey through the Rocky Mountain wilderness.

It's an adventure story, but because we're living in the mind of this special dog, it's told with love and even spirituality. As is true of the A Dog's Purpose series, this is a novel that was written for adults but contains nothing that I would be hesitant to let a middle schooler read.

Some who have read it have called it my best book yet.

Federico DN
A dog's impossible journey through city and wilderness to reach its beloved owner.

Bella is a good dog. After being rescued from a den, she grows inexplicably attached to Lucas. Having a dog isn't easy, and after teaching her to hide and not to bark, she nevertheless gets noticed in the apartments she's not allowed to live in. Barely escaping Animal Control and nearly put down because of her forbidden pit bull status in Denver, and after some other incidents too, Bella becomes lost. Finding herse

A dog's impossible journey through city and wilderness to reach its beloved owner.

Bella is a good dog. After being rescued from a den, she grows inexplicably attached to Lucas. Having a dog isn't easy, and after teaching her to hide and not to bark, she nevertheless gets noticed in the apartments she's not allowed to live in. Barely escaping Animal Control and nearly put down because of her forbidden pit bull status in Denver, and after some other incidents too, Bella becomes lost. Finding herself separated from her beloved Lucas, nearly four hundred miles away, Bella begins a fantastic journey, through city and wilderness, to reach him. Making friends along the way, human and not, Bella is determined to find her way back to Lucas no matter what.

A fairly enjoyable read. I specially enjoyed the bond between Bella and Big Kitten. For some reason I had this one on audio and the voices really didn't do it for me, so if you happen to want to read this I would suggest text. That doesn't mean I recommend it though, I loved the Purpose series books but I did not love this one. It's somewhat different, you get the Dogs POV like the others but not the multiple lives and Bailey is not in it. Bella is a wonderful doggie, she's a fantastic, but did not really grow on me like Bailey did. Still, a worthy read for the animal lover, heartwarming and moving at times.

*** The movie is a decent adaptation of the book. Some things were omitted, as to be expected, but still all the main ingredients were there. The special effects were good, the acting not so much, pretty flat. Bella and Big Kitten were the best part, obviously.

Until next time,


Un imposible viaje perruno a través de la ciudad y tierras salvajes para alcanzar a su amado dueño.

Bella es una buena perra. Después de ser rescatada, crece inexplicabmente atraída hacia Lucas. Tener un perro no es fácil, y después de enseñarle a esconderse y no ladrar, aún así es descubierta en los apartamentos donde no le está permitido vivir. Apenas escapando Control Animal y casi puesta a dormir por ser de de una raza prohibida pit bull en Denver, y después de otros incidentes también, Bella termina perdida. Encontrándose separada de su amado Lucas, a casi cuatrocientas millas lejos, Bella empieza un viaje fantástico, a través de ciudad y tierra salvaje, para alcanzarlo. Haciéndose de amigos en el camino, humanos y no, Bella está determinada a encontrar su camino de vuelta hacia Lucas, sin importar qué.

Una lectura bastante disfrutable. Disfruté especialmente la amistad de Bella y Gran Gatito. Por alguna razón tenía esto en audio y las voces realmente no funcionaron conmigo, así que si se encuentran queriendo leer esto sugeriría texto. Eso sin embargo no significa que lo recomendaría, amé los libros de la serie Purpose pero no amé éste. Es algo diferente, tenés el punto de vista del perro como los otros pero no las multiples vidas y Bailey no está ahí. Bella es una perrita maravillosa, es fantástica, pero no creció en mí como lo hizo Bailey. Igual, una lectura valiosa para el amante del animal. amorosa y emotiva de a ratos.

*** La película es una adaptación decente del libro. Algunas cosas fueron omitidas, como es de esperarse, pero aún así todos los ingredientes principales estaban ahí. Los efectos especiales estuvieron bien, la actuación no tanto, algo floja. Bella y Gran Gatito fueron la mejor parte, ovbiamente.

Hasta la próxima,

CJ Anderson
Apr 12, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I could not put the book down till I was done reading it, from the first words.
Good dog, Bella!

I was asked by the publisher, to review this book, because of my non-profit's mission in Arizona to help people in crisis through their pets. As it turns out, Veterans is a large part of the population we serve, as well as homeless and other hard to reach/help populations. We also work to educate and advocate people in Arizona as to how much difference they make when they use their voices with our gov

I could not put the book down till I was done reading it, from the first words.
Good dog, Bella!

I was asked by the publisher, to review this book, because of my non-profit's mission in Arizona to help people in crisis through their pets. As it turns out, Veterans is a large part of the population we serve, as well as homeless and other hard to reach/help populations. We also work to educate and advocate people in Arizona as to how much difference they make when they use their voices with our government officials.

You see, people will speak for animals and pets, will prepare for disasters, safety, health, and emergencies, when they will NOT bother to do this for themselves nor for other humans!

We are a service provider for the Arizona Veterans Stand down. Gatherings of services, agencies, and people to help these people who gave us and sacrificed SO MUCH for us at the county and city levels ~ TRUE community. We have been told by many of these Groups, that we are a corner stone of this gathering, because Veterans that will not ask for help for themselves, WILL ask for beloved pets/service dogs. Once they come, FEEL the LOVE and CARE that is offered, they then cross the isle for the human help that is frequently,so disparately needed!

Bruce Cameron painted an exact picture, of what is like for many of these Veterans.

NEXT, I am THRILLED to see the dog Bella is a mixed breed dog! THIS is a critical piece of the book. I wont get into a discussion about how petty tyrants get their power rushes from their destruction that is done to helpless animals (and humans). The simple fact is that a dog doesn't go bad because of the BREED. It goes bad because of the interaction with HUMAN!
This element of this book, is about how dogs (animals) respond to the TANGIBLE (for them) emotions, that roll off of people. In addition to my non-profit, we have a meetup.com list that has over 1450 members, another over 3000 member yahoo email list who work on their energy with dogs email list and has had over 30,000 people on it since 2006) that validates this point.

I was also surprised and gratified, to find a smaller story inside, about feral cats. We are going to move a program that we were planning on implementing in 2020 for rehoming feral cat colonies to warehouses and farms starting next year, because of Cameron's writing, that has moved to action!

Lastly, it said, that Dogs are our Mirrors, our Teachers, our Healers.
We already use Cameron's book/movie "A Dog Purpose" t to help people dealing with the losses that occur around crisis and disasters of every kind. Now we are very pleased to have this book to help us educate others how they can advocate and change laws. We are already very good at this, moving Arizona from 22nd in State rankings for Humane Treatment for animals, to 7th! This book will help people from an emotional level, to lend their voices to speak for protections for animals. Maybe then, we will learn to also speak louder for the protection of humans, who don't/can't speak for themselves!

Thank you Bruce Cameron for giving us this valuable tool!
CJ Anderson, President/CEO
Animal in Disaster, empty Bowl Pet food Pantry

Robert Bishop
Apr 12, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Wow! He did it again! I know, I shouldn't be surprised because I've read 7 of his books in the last year and they have all been amazing, but W. Bruce Cameron's work just keeps getting better and better! I would even argue that this is his best yet. He tells this story from the perspective of Bella, a mixed breed dog unfairly labeled a dangerous pit bull by an unscrupulous animal control officer and 2 of his worthless colleagues.This, along with some ridiculous local breed discriminatory legislat Wow! He did it again! I know, I shouldn't be surprised because I've read 7 of his books in the last year and they have all been amazing, but W. Bruce Cameron's work just keeps getting better and better! I would even argue that this is his best yet. He tells this story from the perspective of Bella, a mixed breed dog unfairly labeled a dangerous pit bull by an unscrupulous animal control officer and 2 of his worthless colleagues.This, along with some ridiculous local breed discriminatory legislation, puts Bella's life on the line. Chaos ensues, and Bella ends up far from home and on an amazing adventure that will captivate the reader and send them on the journey with her. Along the way you will meet some interesting characters, some great, some not so much, including some pretty cool cats. I hope everyone who reads this book will stand up for dogs like Bella and fight against similar laws in their area. There is so much more I would like to say about this wonderfully written story, but I think you should just give it a read and see for yourself why I love it so much. You won't be disappointed! ...more
What a charming little book! My rating 4.5! Mr. Cameron, you have just earned yourself a fan! I admire the way you can look at the world through an innocent dog's eyes!

February has been and continues to be very hectic for me. What I needed was a comfort read, and this one did not disappoint. In fact, it was a delightful read. If I have the time, you can actually finish the book in one sitting.

Let me introduce you to our protagonist, Bella. Good old Bella has a big heart – she always tries to bri

What a charming little book! My rating 4.5! Mr. Cameron, you have just earned yourself a fan! I admire the way you can look at the world through an innocent dog's eyes!

February has been and continues to be very hectic for me. What I needed was a comfort read, and this one did not disappoint. In fact, it was a delightful read. If I have the time, you can actually finish the book in one sitting.

Let me introduce you to our protagonist, Bella. Good old Bella has a big heart – she always tries to bring joy and comfort to her friends.

Bella was rescued as a puppy by a kind hearted boy, Lucas. Despite his building regulations forbidding pets, Lucas would smuggle Bella in. She would become a great companion to Lucas's mom, an Army veteran, and bring joy to countless vets in the VA hospital .But, Bella would get the attention of some rotten people and due to Denver state laws which would have put down Bella, Lucas had to give her away.

No point for guessing that you can't keep Bella away from her "person' for long. She would embark on the journey home alone through the mountains. They would brave dangers and starvation, but still soldier on. Bella would touch many lives along her journey. She would help and receive help from humans as well as other animals. She would even face danger after returning back. I loved the way the book ended.

I love reading books where dogs play an important character, probably because most of the English story books I had read as a child had dogs. This book reminded me of my favourite sheepdog book – Shadow the Sheepdog by Enid Blyton, but that is the story for some other time.

Highly recommended! :) :)

I just learned that the movie was released in January 2019, and the IMDb rating is 6.7. Not bad considering the fact that ~ 7.5K people have rated the movie. I look forward to watching it.

Debbie Grace
Apr 14, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I was fortunate enough to get to read an advance copy of the book. W. Bruce Cameron has once again struck literary gold. The story is about Bella, a pit bull mix who is sent away from her people because of breed discrimination, and her journey though the mountains of Colorado to find them. The story is sad in parts, but uplifting, and very funny as well. I highly recommend this book to dog, and cat lovers alike.
Karen S.
Apr 17, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I received, at random, an Advance Reader's Copy of this book (the book will be released May 9, 2017). Without spoiling anything, Here is my review:
Thank GOODNESS someone is bringing up the subject of the horrible prejudice against pitbull type breeds and the sad state of feral animal problems. Yes, there is this Breed Discrimination Legislation(BDL)/ Breed Specific Legislation(BSL) back story that is very important but there is also BELLA's story, told from HER point o
I received, at random, an Advance Reader's Copy of this book (the book will be released May 9, 2017). Without spoiling anything, Here is my review:
Thank GOODNESS someone is bringing up the subject of the horrible prejudice against pitbull type breeds and the sad state of feral animal problems. Yes, there is this Breed Discrimination Legislation(BDL)/ Breed Specific Legislation(BSL) back story that is very important but there is also BELLA's story, told from HER point of view as a dog who only wants to be with her person. She will do whatever it takes to be with her person and we get to go along for that WILD journey! There is humor in just the right places, action, mystery, some sadness but overwhelming happiness as well as hope. An unexpected and thrilling surprise is this: If you are a CAT LOVER and advocate, you will ADORE this book. The author, W. Bruce Cameron, is a master at keeping us on the edge of our seats, with us not knowing what will happen next.
SIDE NOTE: Although the picture of the dog on the COVER of the book does not resemble your "typical" Bully Breed, IF YOU READ THE BOOK YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE PURPOSE OF THAT PICTURE!!!
May 15, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I would have given an honest 4*, but upping this to 5* because of important points that W. Bruce Cameron addresses - a dog's love and devotion to his/her person; the plight of feral cats (ignoring/starving them or just destroying them is not the answer!); the unfairness of breed discrimination (and how it's determined!); the kindness of some humans to animals; and same-sex marriage are what readily come to mind.

The book is written in the very simplistic voice of Bella, our dog on the cover of t

I would have given an honest 4*, but upping this to 5* because of important points that W. Bruce Cameron addresses - a dog's love and devotion to his/her person; the plight of feral cats (ignoring/starving them or just destroying them is not the answer!); the unfairness of breed discrimination (and how it's determined!); the kindness of some humans to animals; and same-sex marriage are what readily come to mind.

The book is written in the very simplistic voice of Bella, our dog on the cover of the book. So don't expect anything deep or heavily written, rather enjoy the narrative, even though you will likely get stressed at some points as you join Bella on her journey. You just have to 'go' with this book. Bella made it into one of my favorite characters ever category!

There are adorable phrases that I will always remember, particularly when interacting with my own dog - such as "tiny piece of cheese" (in our case marshmallow!); 'do go home'; 'do go to work'; 'do your business' and 'provide comfort'.

In addition to Bella, you'll likely fall in love with 'Big Kitten' and the joyous relationships that Bella has from the beginning with the felines.

Thanks to W. Bruce Cameron for putting writing a gem of a story with such important messages to boot.

(Joint Read with Jami in Novel Ideas)

Dan Lutts
Nov 14, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Bella is a mixed-breed dog who was brought up in a crawl space under a house in Colorado along with her mother, her siblings, and a Mother Cat and her kittens. Unfortunately, the house is marked for demolition by an evil developer who captures Bella's mother, siblings, and many of the kittens and then kills them. Bella ends up being rescued by Lucas, who brings her home to live with himself and his mother.

An animal control officer identifies Bella as a pitbull and goes on a personal crusade to c

Bella is a mixed-breed dog who was brought up in a crawl space under a house in Colorado along with her mother, her siblings, and a Mother Cat and her kittens. Unfortunately, the house is marked for demolition by an evil developer who captures Bella's mother, siblings, and many of the kittens and then kills them. Bella ends up being rescued by Lucas, who brings her home to live with himself and his mother.

An animal control officer identifies Bella as a pitbull and goes on a personal crusade to capture her so he can put her down. Lucus finds a temporary foster home where Bella can stay until he finds an apartment outside the city limits that accepts dogs. But through a series of misadventures Bella ends up journeying 400 miles from home. Along the way, she befriends a baby cougar in the woods and then hooks up with a series of people who become her temporary masters, including a homeless Vietnam vet. Despite liking her temporary masters, Bella wants to go home to Lucas, who is 400 miles away, on the other side of the mountains. The question is: can she succeed?

A Dog's Way Home is a delightful book written from Bella's point of view, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I've never read any of W. Bruce Cameron's dog books before but will put some on my To Read list.

Told from the point of view of a dog named Bella who, in the beginning is still a young puppy. Bella has seemingly been abandoned. She lives under a building destined for demolition, surrounded by cats and kittens, with Mother Cat looking over them all, and a young man, Lucas, who brings water and food, despite the fence designed to prevent anyone entering.

When a developer with plans for building a new, higher-end building in its place begins to start capturing the kittens, Lucas also realizes t

Told from the point of view of a dog named Bella who, in the beginning is still a young puppy. Bella has seemingly been abandoned. She lives under a building destined for demolition, surrounded by cats and kittens, with Mother Cat looking over them all, and a young man, Lucas, who brings water and food, despite the fence designed to prevent anyone entering.

When a developer with plans for building a new, higher-end building in its place begins to start capturing the kittens, Lucas also realizes there are more under the building, and steps up to try and prevent the demolition of the building, at least until the kittens are safely removed. In the process, Lucas realizes that there is also a puppy living there, he brings her to live in the apartment he shares with his mother, an Army veteran, despite the apartment regulations forbidding pets. Lucas begins to train her with simple commands, among them the important Go Home.

When bribes don't work in convincing Lucas or his mom to stop meddling, the developer pulls strings within Animal Control, and so a dog that looks like a cross between a Great Dane and a Mastiff is labeled a pit bull by Animal Control, without any DNA evidence, and taken to the shelter, as pit bull breeds are illegal in the City and County of Denver. After she manages to be freed, she begins one of many dangerous journeys in her attempt to Go Home.

My favourite parts of this story were Bella's memories of Mother Cat and a friend she meets along the way, Little Kitten, as well as the Veterans whose stories were shared. While this didn't require boxes of Kleenex, it was nevertheless a heartwarming story with Cameron's signature poignant touch.

Nancyandcharlie Miller
I was randomly selected to receive a copy of this book prior to publication--I don't receive any compensation for posting this review.
W. Bruce Cameron has done it again! I read this book in one sitting, and laughed and cried. It's told through the eyes of Bella, a pitbull mix that is separated from her owner because of BSL and an overzealous animal control officer. This is her story of the trials and tribulations she endures as she tries to make her way back home to her home, and her human. W. B
I was randomly selected to receive a copy of this book prior to publication--I don't receive any compensation for posting this review.
W. Bruce Cameron has done it again! I read this book in one sitting, and laughed and cried. It's told through the eyes of Bella, a pitbull mix that is separated from her owner because of BSL and an overzealous animal control officer. This is her story of the trials and tribulations she endures as she tries to make her way back home to her home, and her human. W. Bruce Cameron weaves a rich tapestry of secondary characters, some nice, and some not-so-nice, that Bella encounters on her epic journey. He definitely earns a "tiny piece of cheese!" A must-read for any dog lover!
Apr 16, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This book rates 6 stars, on this 5 star rating system! I was blessed to chosen by the Publisher to read an advanced copy of this book (I also have it on pre-order). I started the book yesterday afternoon, with the intention of stopping and getting my pies made, but I absolutely could not stop reading until I finished it last night (I have some baking to catch up on this Easter morning). It is a fabulous book! This is the 1st time I've ever sat and 'powered' through a book in one sitting. Another This book rates 6 stars, on this 5 star rating system! I was blessed to chosen by the Publisher to read an advanced copy of this book (I also have it on pre-order). I started the book yesterday afternoon, with the intention of stopping and getting my pies made, but I absolutely could not stop reading until I finished it last night (I have some baking to catch up on this Easter morning). It is a fabulous book! This is the 1st time I've ever sat and 'powered' through a book in one sitting. Another home run for W. Bruce Cameron (he knocked it out of the park)! ...more
Dayna Young
Apr 16, 2017 rated it it was amazing
W. Bruce Cameron has done it again. I was honored to be chosen to read advanced copy from the publisher (I have also pre-ordered). A Dog's Way Home is amazing. Started reading and didn't put it down until I was done, I just couldn't. This book is so entertaining but also so important with issues involving our military veterans/support dogs and narrow minded laws regarding certain breeds of dogs. I give it a 10 star rating. I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed in this book. W. Bruce Cameron has done it again. I was honored to be chosen to read advanced copy from the publisher (I have also pre-ordered). A Dog's Way Home is amazing. Started reading and didn't put it down until I was done, I just couldn't. This book is so entertaining but also so important with issues involving our military veterans/support dogs and narrow minded laws regarding certain breeds of dogs. I give it a 10 star rating. I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed in this book. ...more
Dana Thelander
Lucky me - I was selected by the publisher to receive an advance copy of A Dog's Way Home and I had to read it in one sitting. Not per the publisher's request-but because I couldn't put it down. A Dog's Way Home offers up all the wonderful things we love about our lives with our dogs while also addressing Breed Discrimination Laws that profile dogs based on their appearance. And for the cat lover's out there? This is your book! The kitties get major booking in this story-line. Lucky me - I was selected by the publisher to receive an advance copy of A Dog's Way Home and I had to read it in one sitting. Not per the publisher's request-but because I couldn't put it down. A Dog's Way Home offers up all the wonderful things we love about our lives with our dogs while also addressing Breed Discrimination Laws that profile dogs based on their appearance. And for the cat lover's out there? This is your book! The kitties get major booking in this story-line. ...more
Wanda Peterson
I could listen to W. Bruce Cameron from a dog's point of view all day long because it just makes me laugh and makes me love my dog even more. But when it comes with a story that has so many messages and is so bang on with the emotions that go with them, it's impossible to put down! I LOVE this book and it will be another one I share with friends and family because I know they will love it too! I could listen to W. Bruce Cameron from a dog's point of view all day long because it just makes me laugh and makes me love my dog even more. But when it comes with a story that has so many messages and is so bang on with the emotions that go with them, it's impossible to put down! I LOVE this book and it will be another one I share with friends and family because I know they will love it too! ...more
Heidi Brydon
Apr 03, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Because I was an early reader of the masterpiece A Dog's Purpose, the publisher reached out to me to read W. Bruce Cameron's latest, A Dog's Way Home. I am happy to say that not only did this book not disappoint, it may be his greatest book yet. We are once again told the story from the point of view of the dog, but it is NOT a sequel to A Dog's Purpose and A Dog's Journey (though can I just say, I wish he would write that book!)

I laughed, I sobbed, I fell in love with Bella.

This books, to me,

Because I was an early reader of the masterpiece A Dog's Purpose, the publisher reached out to me to read W. Bruce Cameron's latest, A Dog's Way Home. I am happy to say that not only did this book not disappoint, it may be his greatest book yet. We are once again told the story from the point of view of the dog, but it is NOT a sequel to A Dog's Purpose and A Dog's Journey (though can I just say, I wish he would write that book!)

I laughed, I sobbed, I fell in love with Bella.

This books, to me, an epic journey of love. We all hear those stories in the news of a dog who gets separated from its owner, and somehow finds it's way back over hundreds of miles, even years later. It happens, we know it happens, but like everyone who hears a story like that, you wonder HOW it could happen. Mr. Cameron tells you how, in ways you never would have guessed, which all seem as true as if this were a dog's memoir.

This book surprised me at every turn, which is something Cameron is the master of doing. And I loved the fact that Bella is a girl, and that a lot of her take on things seems to come from a female understanding of life, and the importance of mothering and care taking.

Finally, as an animal advocate, the fact that we get to hear from the dog's point of view, the heartbreak of the unintended consequences of Breed Discriminatory Legislation is groundbreaking to me. This book might be the thing that finally gets people to see that laws banning a dog by breed a. don't accomplish what they set out to accomplish (there is no lessening in dog bite injuries) and they cause untold harm and suffering to both people and animals. Best Friends Animal Society did a survey that shows that 84% of Americans are against these laws (since when do 84% of Americans agree on ANYTHING) and yet in cities like Denver, where this book takes place, those laws are used to murder adoptable loving dogs every day.

If you love dogs, heck, if you love LOVE, you need to read this book. I simply could not put it down, but as a now life-long fan of Mr. Cameron's, I've gotten used to that. For me, his books are weekend reads only, or else I look terrible at work the next day.


Lynn Asdell
Apr 28, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I was given the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of W. Bruce Cameron's latest book. I am particularly intrigued by his ability to utilize the first-person perspective of the main character, Bella. We follow Bella through her rescue as a young puppy, her introduction to a loving family, her exposure to veterans struggling with the affects of war and the hatred brought on by being labeled 'dangerous' because of BSL.
This book is another wonderful adventure that exposes the reader t
I was given the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of W. Bruce Cameron's latest book. I am particularly intrigued by his ability to utilize the first-person perspective of the main character, Bella. We follow Bella through her rescue as a young puppy, her introduction to a loving family, her exposure to veterans struggling with the affects of war and the hatred brought on by being labeled 'dangerous' because of BSL.
This book is another wonderful adventure that exposes the reader to every emotion possible, all while introducing you to a wide range of characters that actually exist in our every-day lives.
One thing that stands out, to me, in the books W. Bruce Cameron writes, is how he incorporates the challenges so many people face in our world and can't easily find a solution for. Bella breaks down the barriers for many and seeing it all through her eyes and the simplicity of her heart makes this journey one we should all travel.
I highly recommend this book to those of you who love a dog.....whether it be a rescue, service/therapy dog or one facing discrimination due to it's genes. If not, read the book, feel the emotion and gain some perspective in the ability of a dog to change lives!
W. Bruce Cameron has done it again and I'm so grateful I was chosen to review A Dog's Way Home.
Order your copy, sit back and enjoy Bella finding her way back home!
Apr 17, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I have read every one of W Bruce Cameron's books, so I was excited to be asked to be an early reader/reviewer. I'm happy to say that this book continues the trend of ever-improving stories and writing that I've come to expect from this author. Each dog, from Bailey up to Bella, has captured my heart and makes me want to adopt every stray dog I see! Bella's story in this book also opened my eyes, mind and heart to how preconceptions about breeds can be so damaging to wonderful dogs. I don't think I have read every one of W Bruce Cameron's books, so I was excited to be asked to be an early reader/reviewer. I'm happy to say that this book continues the trend of ever-improving stories and writing that I've come to expect from this author. Each dog, from Bailey up to Bella, has captured my heart and makes me want to adopt every stray dog I see! Bella's story in this book also opened my eyes, mind and heart to how preconceptions about breeds can be so damaging to wonderful dogs. I don't think I'll ever look at a pit bull mix in the same way again. Thanks for that!

If you're a WBC fan, you will love this book. If you're new to his works, run, don't walk, to your nearest bookstore and buy every one of his previous books. They saved my sanity when I lost my heart dog Patches, and each one has entertained, informed and comforted me. I give all his books my wholehearted endorsement!

Delia Johnson
Apr 21, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Got an advance peak from NetGalley, OMG I love this book so much! I loved A Dog's Purpose and A Dog's Journey and was so sad that there were no more in the series. To be clear, this is a completely different dog soul, a girl, and yet it's an even deeper exploration of the spiritual bond between dogs and their people. It was tense, it was funny, it was heartwarming, at one point I literally cheered out loud. God, I hope they make this one into a movie! Got an advance peak from NetGalley, OMG I love this book so much! I loved A Dog's Purpose and A Dog's Journey and was so sad that there were no more in the series. To be clear, this is a completely different dog soul, a girl, and yet it's an even deeper exploration of the spiritual bond between dogs and their people. It was tense, it was funny, it was heartwarming, at one point I literally cheered out loud. God, I hope they make this one into a movie! ...more
May 09, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I was selected by the publisher to read an advance copy and this is my honest review. This book is another grand slam by W. Bruce Cameron. The books main character is a rescued "pittie mix" named Bella. Bella was born and discovered under an abandoned home that had become a shelter of shorts for a litter of kittens and puppies. The home was scheduled to be demolished by a local businessman, in order to make way for "progress". Bella's rescuer begins to slow progress for the businessman, trying t I was selected by the publisher to read an advance copy and this is my honest review. This book is another grand slam by W. Bruce Cameron. The books main character is a rescued "pittie mix" named Bella. Bella was born and discovered under an abandoned home that had become a shelter of shorts for a litter of kittens and puppies. The home was scheduled to be demolished by a local businessman, in order to make way for "progress". Bella's rescuer begins to slow progress for the businessman, trying to get all the animals out from under the house before it is torn down on top of them and kills them all. Consequently, the businessman raises some questions as to the breed of Bella and has her "labeled" a Pit Bull, which are not allowed in the city. For the safety and health of Bella, the rescuer places Bella in a foster home in a place where Pit Bulls are legally allowed.
Bella misses her rescuing hero and knows he needs her as much as she needs him. The rest of the book is about her journey to reunite with her rescuer. During that journey Bella encounters many people and touches each of their lives, just as they touch hers.

This book is jammed packed with lessons and wisdom. Among which are things such as a single person can make a genuine difference with a little persistence and integrity and secondly do not ever judge a book by its cover.

Many authors when writing about animals simply transfer human emotions, reasoning and thoughts onto an animal character. Not so with W. Bruce Cameron. He flips the stage and helps humans see the world through the eyes of the animal. It is a moving and profound gift that shows you the world in a different way, in a better way, in a more humane way. In a world that is busy and fast paced, you will find that reading this book is time well spent. Time. Well. Spent.

Merged review:

I was selected to read an advance copy and this is my honest review.

This book is another grand slam by W. Bruce Cameron.

The books main character is a rescued "pittie mix" named Bella. Bella was born and discovered under an abandoned home that had become a shelter of shorts for a litter of kittens and puppies. The home was scheduled to be demolished by a local businessman, in order to make way for "progress". Bella's rescuer begins to slow progress for the businessman, trying to get all the animals out from under the house before it is torn down on top of them and kills them all. Consequently, the businessman raises some questions as to the breed of Bella and has her "labeled" a Pit Bull, which are not allowed in the city. For the safety and health of Bella, the rescuer places Bella in a foster home in a place where Pit Bulls are legally allowed.

Bella misses her rescuing hero and knows he needs her as much as she needs him. The rest of the book is about her journey to reunite with her rescuer. During that journey Bella encounters many people and touches each of their lives, just as they touch hers.

This book is jammed packed with lessons and wisdom. Among which are things such as a single person can make a genuine difference with a little persistence and integrity and secondly do not ever judge a book by its cover.

Many authors when writing about animals simply transfer human emotions, reasoning and thoughts onto an animal character. Not so with W. Bruce Cameron. He flips the stage and helps humans see the world through the eyes of the animal. It is a moving and profound gift that shows you the world in a different way, in a better way, in a more humane way. In a world that is busy and fast paced, you will find that reading this book is time well spent. Time. Well. Spent.

Mar 15, 2018 rated it it was amazing
What an amazing adventure with this sweet girl, Bella. This is her story, told in her own words.thoughts. Her beginning is amazing enough but her next few years are incredible. Because of where she lives, Denver she must be moved to save her life. Animal control tagged her as a Pitbull, a breed not welcome there. Things don't go as planned and she runs loose hundreds of miles, meeting all kinds of people, animals and situations.
Bella started life as a stray, raised by a stray cat under a house
What an amazing adventure with this sweet girl, Bella. This is her story, told in her own words.thoughts. Her beginning is amazing enough but her next few years are incredible. Because of where she lives, Denver she must be moved to save her life. Animal control tagged her as a Pitbull, a breed not welcome there. Things don't go as planned and she runs loose hundreds of miles, meeting all kinds of people, animals and situations.
Bella started life as a stray, raised by a stray cat under a house where she helped can for the kittens. Rescuer's come one day and her life changes, she is owned, loved and cares for all. Problems come when a contractor building across the street tries to build on land where feral cats live, including Bella's mother cat. Her humans are all about animal rescue and the fight begins. Things get nasty, the city, the building owners, it all seems hopeless. Bella finds herself living with some people in a different city waiting for her people, but she gets restless and takes off for home. Her focus, her desperation is amazing. I loved listening to her thoughts, and cheered her all the way. Bella is the dog with a huge heart.
Jenn Belden
May 08, 2017 rated it it was amazing

If you've read author W. Bruce Cameron's previous dog-centric books (A Dog's Journey, A Dog's Purpose), you know that he is a master at both tugging on our heartstrings and telling a wonderful story from the perspective of a dog.

In his newest novel, A Dog's Way Home once again finds that sweet spot of humor, emotion and drama as Bella's story unfolds and captures the love, devotion and personality of this sweet dog. You've heard stories of dogs traveling hundreds of miles to find their beloved o

If you've read author W. Bruce Cameron's previous dog-centric books (A Dog's Journey, A Dog's Purpose), you know that he is a master at both tugging on our heartstrings and telling a wonderful story from the perspective of a dog.

In his newest novel, A Dog's Way Home once again finds that sweet spot of humor, emotion and drama as Bella's story unfolds and captures the love, devotion and personality of this sweet dog. You've heard stories of dogs traveling hundreds of miles to find their beloved owners – now we get to see it from the unique perspective of the dog herself as she tries to get home to her Lucas and his mother.

He has created a cast of characters (animal and human) that you will love (or despise), and there is the mastery of this author – his ability to make you CARE so much. I found myself looking around the room for my own spunky (and often annoying) ball-obsessed spaniel as Bella found herself in danger again and again. Cameron is, however, gentler on our tear ducts – while this did have me welling up, it wasn't the full on ugly cry that caught my husband out on his flight from Chicago to Newark. I deem it flight safe for the self-consciously weepy reader.

A Dog's Way Home serves well to shed a light on the unintended consequences and tragedies of Breed Discriminatory Legislation. Bella is (inaccurately) labelled as a pit by shady and petty animal control officers, and even after other staff members note that she is a mix, sweet and gentle, nothing can be done to reverse the labelling. I think it also reinforces the importance of adoptions via animal rescue!
The story also shows in a heartbreakingly tender way the ability of dogs to calm and soothe as Bella interacts with veterans at the VA hospital. It's amazing what dogs can sense, and the book brings this to life from the perspective of a dog and the importance and need for service dogs for veterans.

*I received an e-ARC from the author for review purposes. I had already pre-ordered the book from Amazon.*

May 08, 2017 rated it it was amazing
A Dog's Way Home may well be W. Bruce Cameron's best dog story book yet! Being chosen to receive an advance reader copy of A Dog's Way Home from the publisher was very fortunate for me as I am a devoted fan of this author's books that are told from the perspective of the dog's heart and mind. My affinity for his wonderful dog story books began when I first read A Dog's Purpose the week it was released in July of 2010 and has increased with each new dog story book he has written. While I have lov A Dog's Way Home may well be W. Bruce Cameron's best dog story book yet! Being chosen to receive an advance reader copy of A Dog's Way Home from the publisher was very fortunate for me as I am a devoted fan of this author's books that are told from the perspective of the dog's heart and mind. My affinity for his wonderful dog story books began when I first read A Dog's Purpose the week it was released in July of 2010 and has increased with each new dog story book he has written. While I have loved each book, A Dog's Purpose has remained my all-time favorite book by any author. As I began to read A Dog's Way Home, I wondered if it could be as good as A Dog's Purpose.

By the time I was barely into reading the first chapter, I knew that it was going to be a great book. I became absorbed in the story of Bella, a mixed-breed female puppy that is wrongly labeled as a pit bull and sadly separated from her owner under Breed Discriminatory Legislation. The saga of Bella's determination to make the 400 mile "Go Home" journey back to her owner on an amazing adventure, including her involvement in veterans' PTSD issues, kept me engrossed until I got to the end of the book.

I loved this book so much that I read it again this past weekend and enjoyed it even more than I did the first time I read it. A Dog's Purpose is still my all-time favorite book but A Dog's Way Home is a close second favorite. I will be buying many copies of it to give to my dog lover family and friends. If you're a dog lover, do yourself a big favor and get this book for yourself...you'll be glad you did!

Kathy Filardo
May 29, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I adored this book. It had everything I look for in a great animal story. A lovable dog, people who were both good and bad, and a great story about the love of a dog for her human and even other species, like cats. If you are a dog or a cat lover you need to read this book. Because though the book's protagonist is a dog named Bella, cats play a large role in the story also--from Mother Cat, a feral queen who lovingly adopts and cares for Bella as a puppy to Big Kitten, the orphaned cougar kitten I adored this book. It had everything I look for in a great animal story. A lovable dog, people who were both good and bad, and a great story about the love of a dog for her human and even other species, like cats. If you are a dog or a cat lover you need to read this book. Because though the book's protagonist is a dog named Bella, cats play a large role in the story also--from Mother Cat, a feral queen who lovingly adopts and cares for Bella as a puppy to Big Kitten, the orphaned cougar kitten Bella in turn adopts and protects. Love plays an enormous role in this book--and there are some beautiful scenes here that make you tear up.

I also was glad to see this story raise awareness about feral cats and how they are treated, both humanely and inhumanely, about the love between species of animals, and the awareness of our veterans, whom Bella helps as a therapy dog. I found this particularly fitting as I read this book on Memorial Day and am a family member with veterans.

Bella's journey to go home to the person who loves her was filled with inspiration, hope, resilience and love. It's a book that will resonate with you long after you've turned the last page.

Oct 20, 2019 rated it liked it
I want a Bella of my own. Such a wonderful, amazing personality and dog. I loved reading about her love and empathy towards mankind and cats. Bella was so smart and reminded me of children that just crave warmth, praise and love from the adults in their lives. W. Bruce Cameron created such a beautiful dog that even if you aren't a dog lover you will be after this. He also shows the human flaws and cruelty of these characters he created.

I added the extra star for Bella and the last 125 pages, giv

I want a Bella of my own. Such a wonderful, amazing personality and dog. I loved reading about her love and empathy towards mankind and cats. Bella was so smart and reminded me of children that just crave warmth, praise and love from the adults in their lives. W. Bruce Cameron created such a beautiful dog that even if you aren't a dog lover you will be after this. He also shows the human flaws and cruelty of these characters he created.

I added the extra star for Bella and the last 125 pages, give or take. The beginning of the story was long and a bit tedious. The story wouldn't get to the point but when it finally did I enjoyed it. I found myself skimming trying to get to the plot. I only finished bc of Bella or else I probably would have quit. I also like how the author included a homeless heroin user that was a War Veteran. I enjoyed that Bella helped the VA's with their fears and depression. She always eased their tensions away. Her journey from Durango, CO to Denver, CO was a 4,000 2yr journey full of hardships. Her friendship with the Bobcat was special and sweet.

Good story for dog lovers. I just felt that it was 100 pages too long. For me, it wasn't a tear jerker but I could definitely see someone else shedding a few tears.

Mar 19, 2017 rated it liked it
Actual rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

The story is sweet and pulls at one's heartstrings but I think you need to be a dog lover to really enjoy this book. Just like the author's other books (loved A Dog's Purpose), the story is told from a dog's perspective. Which makes the writing style childlike. Short, simple sentences. Another issue I had with this book were the humans in the story. I did not like any of the characters in it and I especially found Lucas annoying.

I found the book entertaining but

Actual rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

The story is sweet and pulls at one's heartstrings but I think you need to be a dog lover to really enjoy this book. Just like the author's other books (loved A Dog's Purpose), the story is told from a dog's perspective. Which makes the writing style childlike. Short, simple sentences. Another issue I had with this book were the humans in the story. I did not like any of the characters in it and I especially found Lucas annoying.

I found the book entertaining but I did not enjoy this book as much as the other 2 that I had read. Maybe the writing style is getting redundant to me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor/Forge for a copy of W. Bruce Cameron's "A Dog's Way Home" in exchange of an honest review.

Mylinda Weeks
Apr 25, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I fortunately received an advanced copy to read and review. This book is being released on May 9, 2017. Mark your calendars, or better yet, pre-order the book to make sure you get your copy as soon as possible. It is definitely a "Good Read"! Cameron once again does an excellent job of writing from the dog's point of view.

The story begins when Bella is a puppy living with her mother and littermates, as well as a feral cat colony, under an abandoned house soon to be demolished so the land can be

I fortunately received an advanced copy to read and review. This book is being released on May 9, 2017. Mark your calendars, or better yet, pre-order the book to make sure you get your copy as soon as possible. It is definitely a "Good Read"! Cameron once again does an excellent job of writing from the dog's point of view.

The story begins when Bella is a puppy living with her mother and littermates, as well as a feral cat colony, under an abandoned house soon to be demolished so the land can be developed. Adversity soon appears for the first time, along with saviors, animal and human. As Bella grows we follow along on her journey to learning to be a "Good Dog" who learns "No Barks" and "Go To Work" and most importantly - "Go Home." Unscrupulous Animal Control Officers designate Bella as a pit bull, though not all would agree to that designation. The city of Denver's Breed Specific Legislation banning pit bulls then sets the stage for the perilous journey ahead.

Bella has quite an adventure as she finds her way home, meeting many other animals and people along the way. Read the book to see how she manages to almost always be a "Good Dog" and finally gets to "Go Home" again. It's a great story that sheds light on Breed Specific Legislation issues, Veteran's issues, rescue issues, wildlife issues and more.

Jun 08, 2017 rated it really liked it
This was a fun, easy read. While it did not have the same emotional depth for me as A Dog's Purpose, I loved Bella and the characters she met during her journey to and from home. There were some laugh out loud parts, such as when Bella describes a person talking to "her" but the person has a phone pressed against their face. I also loved her references to when she was either a good dog or a bad dog. And of course, "Tiny Piece of Cheese" was awesome.

Bella loves Lucas, her human, above all. Even

This was a fun, easy read. While it did not have the same emotional depth for me as A Dog's Purpose, I loved Bella and the characters she met during her journey to and from home. There were some laugh out loud parts, such as when Bella describes a person talking to "her" but the person has a phone pressed against their face. I also loved her references to when she was either a good dog or a bad dog. And of course, "Tiny Piece of Cheese" was awesome.

Bella loves Lucas, her human, above all. Even though she meets, loves and comforts other humans and animals, she knows she must do "go home" to return to him because of course, every dog has their one special human.

The book touches on breed discrimination laws and emotional support animals, both very important issues. Any book that gets people to talk and think about these issues is doing a good thing in my opinion.

Tina Forde
Apr 23, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I was randomly chosen by the publisher to read a advanced copy of this book and loved every minute of it. Mr. W. Bruce Cameron I think this could be your best book yet.
I was introduced to your books while facing saying goodbye to my companion dog of 14 years. I was given your A Dog's Purpose and it helped me get through the rough final days. I've since read A Dog's Journey, The Dogs of Christmas, and Emory's Gift. Plus I have The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man , and The Dog Master sitting here t
I was randomly chosen by the publisher to read a advanced copy of this book and loved every minute of it. Mr. W. Bruce Cameron I think this could be your best book yet.
I was introduced to your books while facing saying goodbye to my companion dog of 14 years. I was given your A Dog's Purpose and it helped me get through the rough final days. I've since read A Dog's Journey, The Dogs of Christmas, and Emory's Gift. Plus I have The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man , and The Dog Master sitting here to read.
All that being said I think this one really touched home with me. I am a female Veteran of the USAF who has PTSD from MST. Since my dog crossed the rainbow bridge my triggers, nightmares and just fear of being out in public alone has gotten progressively worse almost back to right after incident. The red tape and struggles to try to get a PTSD dog is rough. I am hoping this book makes it easier for people like myself to be able to get our animals certified.
The way you handled bringing this issue as well as BDL (breed discrimination laws) into the readers hearts hopefully makes more people aware of the issues and react in a lawful way to change both issues.
From the feral cats, to stray dogs, from mama cat to big kitten, from Dutch to all the humans good and bad this book kept me reading. To be honest I couldn't put it down, I read the whole book in one afternoon.
Thank you W. Bruce Cameron for your amazing books
Apr 23, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I want to go into so much detail because this book is just great! I should start with the fact that I was randomly selected to read the book and give it my honest review. First, you just fall in love with the main character! He goes above and beyond to save strays and in my opinion how any person treats animals is a true testiment of their character, this man has got it in spades. His mother also is a deeply built, understandable and relatable character (at least relatable to me but even if not I want to go into so much detail because this book is just great! I should start with the fact that I was randomly selected to read the book and give it my honest review. First, you just fall in love with the main character! He goes above and beyond to save strays and in my opinion how any person treats animals is a true testiment of their character, this man has got it in spades. His mother also is a deeply built, understandable and relatable character (at least relatable to me but even if not for you, she's someone you know exists in this world). Bella, awww sweet Bella, she's a loving, sweet, gentle soul who doesn't understand that bad exists. At times, I was so amazingly frustrated and helpless with the other characters, who (while human) you just want to act like they have a heart!!! BSL still is out there though and people, like the ones in this book, are doing everything they can to eradicate pit bulls and pit bull look alike from this Earth, regardless of their temperament. Seeing others stand up to protect Bella, is a huge highlight and absolutely heartwarming! The feats she goes through, the people she meets, the animals she meets all make this a beautiful story with so much heart. I loved it from beginning to end and will definitely be hugging my gorgeous pit rescue a little tighter today! ...more
I've always loved dogs, which puts me in a unique category along with what, maybe two or three billion people?

What's not to love about an animal who will sit in your living room all day long, waiting for you to get home, and even if you need to work late and then stop for a stress-relieving beverage on your way home, when you unlock that front door, is absolutely overjoyed to see you? How could yo

I've always loved dogs, which puts me in a unique category along with what, maybe two or three billion people?

What's not to love about an animal who will sit in your living room all day long, waiting for you to get home, and even if you need to work late and then stop for a stress-relieving beverage on your way home, when you unlock that front door, is absolutely overjoyed to see you? How could you not adore an animal who senses when your day is not going well and tries to cheer you up by dumping a sodden tennis ball in your lap?

I was probably 8 years old, playing in the back yard of our house in Prairie Village, KS, when my dad opened the gate and in rushed a 9-week-old Labrador puppy. I fell to my knees and spread my arms and that dog leaped into them as if we had loved each other our whole lives. It's a scene that shows up in A Dog's Purpose—a puppy and a boy meeting each other the very first time, both of them full of unrestrained joy.

We named the dog Cammie. She arrived in my life when I was just beginning to connect some of the dots in my memory to make a picture of who I was, forming my identity as a child. I remember every skinned knee and bicycle ride in the context of Cammie, who was always there for me. And I lost her just as I was starting to leave childhood behind, passing on after I'd spent a year in college. That's Cammie, the dog of my childhood.

Years later I was riding my bicycle in the mountains outside of Pine, CO. A chance decision to bounce down a dirt road led me past a few scattered ranches and one small house near a creek, set back from the road at least 50 yards. A single "woof" from a dog caught my attention, and I braked and stood in the dry, clear air, regarding the dog who had called out to me.

She was on a chain by the house, and a fence stood between us, so I remained on the road even though I could see that the dog, a black lab mix with a crazily active tail, was clearly friendly. I gazed at her and the dog sat, attentive, staring into my eyes exactly the way my first dog, Cammie, used to look at me, really seeing into me.

And that's when the thought hit me. What if this wonderful dog was Cammie? What if dogs live over and over again, and always remember us?

I dismissed the thought, waved at the dog, and rode away, but days later the idea came back to me. What if?

I've been a writer my whole life, but never have I ever written anything as important as A Dog's Purpose.

I can't promise you that A Dog's Purpose will make you love your dog more—how could it do that? But I'll tell you what a lot of people have told me: after reading A Dog's Purpose, you'll never look at your dog the same way again.


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What Reading Level Is a Dog's Way Home

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